There are three basic types of Gambel’s quail calls and a fourth you may hear occasionally.
The first and most useful call to imitate is the rally call. This is the infamous three note “Chiquita” or “Chicago” call we’ve all heard. Think of it as the birds saying, “We’re right here.” Or it can mean the exact opposite, “Where is everyone?” depending on how it is delivered.
This call is used frequently (but not repeatedly) throughout the morning when the birds have come off the roost and have spread out feeding. It is primarily used in late spring and throughout the summer and early fall. The dominate birds in the covey will make this call, just to let everyone else in the group (and nearby coveys) know where he or she is located, and it serves to let the other birds know the direction the covey is moving. Both males and females make this call. The birds use this call less and less as young birds age and learn the travel routine. By late winter and through early spring, you might only hear one or two calls during a short window of time in the mornings or right at dusk as the birds go to roost.
In summer and through the fall when you or a predator flushes a covey of birds, they frequently scatter in all directions, and within a few minutes, the first birds will start giving the rally call. Soon, the calls will be coming from many of the scattered quail. If you pay attention, you will notice two things about the calls in this situation. First, there can be two distinct tempos to the calls -- with some birds making a slower, soothing call, and other a nervous, fast-paced call. The slower call is usually the mature bird telling the young birds its location. It’s almost like it is saying, “Calm down, I’m right here.” While the nervous call is usually a young bird calling out, “I’m alone here -- where is everyone.” As young birds mature, they will call less and the mature birds will answer less. By winter, the birds in the covey have learned how to escape predators, and one of those ways is not to give their location away by calling. The coveys have places in their home range where the young birds have learned to rendezvous without calling, or after hearing a single call and knowing the direction that bird is heading. But during summer and at least through early fall, young birds still get nervous when away from the covey and calling is far more frequent.
While this rally call is primarily used by hunters to locate birds, quail will come to the call, especially in the summer and early fall. But birds will almost always answer the rally call because they are very social and vocal. The big mistake most hunters make when using this call is calling way too frequently. If you don’t hear a response within a minute after your first, you can call a second time. But don’t keep tooting away if you don’t hear answers. You have either spooked the birds already (and now educating them on “human” quail calls) or no birds are nearby.
You also don’t want to call during the heat of the day. The birds mostly call in the mornings. Once it becomes hot, they usually are all sitting together as a covey in the shade somewhere. When they hear a call then, they probably look at each other and wonder what crazy bird is out in the sun in this heat.
The second call to learn for both is the single note “cow” or presentation call the males use to attract females in the spring mating/nesting season. This call also serves as a warning to other males to keep their distance. It is a single exclamatory note that trails off at the end: Kerrrrr. It is then repeated a few long seconds later, or made in response to other males calling from a distance and not made again until the bird hears another bird call in response. This call is only made in the spring.
Both species of male quail battle other males for dominance in the spring just like turkeys (which are closely related). Males set up home ranges and try to lure females to them, and they will battle with other males for the best spots. This is my favorite time of year to call quail because the males will frequently run (or fly) right to you, strutting purposefully around, neck bowed and features ruffled, ready to fight the intruding male
The less dominant males distribute themselves throughout a covey’s home range trying to lure the hens away from the dominant birds. They are usually within earshot of each other, and mature males will frequently test each other and repeat battles for dominance. By scouting in the spring, you can frequently find pockets of a covey’s home range where you might not otherwise hunt if you hadn’t been spring scouting.
The third call you hear frequently, but only when you are close to the birds, is the contact call. Most people only hear this call given in rapid sequences when they are close to the birds before they flush. So most think it is an alarm call. A Gambel’s call is throaty, almost purring, a “urht-urht-urht” call.
The reality is this is the birds’ close-quarter contact call and an alarm call. They use it all the time when they are moving and feeding in an area. The tempo is much slower when they are not panicked, and it is a happy noise they make to be sure other covey members are nearby. If they hear the call increase in tempo and nervousness, it means danger is near and flushing is eminent. If they cease making the call, it usually means there is danger and they are going to sit tightly and wait out the danger.
The final call you will hear on occasion is an angry “putt,” to use turkey language parlance. It is more like a loud contact-type call or the first note of the rally call that has a nasally, cough-like sound. The bird sounds annoyed. Males use it in the spring to show their displeasure with another male that has entered his territory. This is a tough one to imitate. It sounds like the work “rank” said in your throat and pushed out your nose (instead of your mouth).
There are a number of quail calls on the market, and no quail hunter should be without a couple. The two most common are the orange plastic version made by Primos or the smaller wooden call made by Lohman. Both cost $10 to $12 and use rubber bands (or rubber band pieces) for the reed. Both mimic Gambel’s quail well. Or maybe better yet, try making your own call!
Lastly, the key to becoming a competent quail caller is practice. A quail call is really a small musical instrument, and during your practicing it helps to have real bird accompaniment. That’s another reason why spring and summer scouting is a good’s the time to practice your call. But you can and should also practice at home. The Xeno-Canto ( website has a great number of recordings that allow you to hear — so you can then imitate — which will help you come quail season!